Monday, 15 June 2015

Want to build Taj Mahal? Say it...

"My Son, what are doing?"
"why, in what way, 'what I do' concerns you?"
"No Son, I thought of going to a movie with you"
"Oh I see"
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"Can you come home early today from office?"
"Why should I? I will be busy till 9pm"
"Because, your sister and family are coming to our house after many years. I thought you would want to spend time with them"
"Oh, I see"
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These happen on daily basis. We say without 'purpose and context'. We get poor response. Once clarified, realisation starts.

Many tend to treat others as mere 'medium' of information or 'a tool'. In Hindi, people tell me this as 'maathre Saadhan'. This can happen knowingly or unknowingly.
If we don't communicate, we can't unleash full potential.

If building worker is not told anything, he would tend to work normally. If he/she is communicated that he is helping in constructing a Taj Mahal, then, the worker would stretch himself/herself.

As an individual, we are source of information. This information can be turned into powerful weapon only thro communication. If we think to withhold without passing to the team, it proves counter productive.

If Chairman/Parent/Son/coach/subordinate communicates, it is for aligning and make it more actionable.
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I dont remember what Shahrukh says in Chak De India climax... He says 'you have 70 min for your own sake. Go and show who you are' during scheduled world cup hockey match.

Have a great day!!!

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