Monday 15 June 2015

Retired....not hurt...

For me, Still 14 years to go become eligible for getting into a community, a group of retired people living together in a place.

Today, all family members went to a temple at Nerul. It also has a trust by SIES South Indian Society, which houses kids and teach veda. Also, it gives place to live for retired people. All rooms named as sacred rivers.

Amma gave food to all kids today and we too joined them to have lunch. Satisfying day indeed.

While we were waiting, I engaged conversation with an old lady. She says she has a son in Chennai and a daughter in New Delhi. However, she prefers to live her life with her husband. She is far comfortable in living there. She is teaching language to students.

I read thro news article about one Mr Rao and his wife. They live in Chennai in one of similar such community. He says his wife is suffering Alzheimer and apparently no cure. They try living with their daughter in Detroit. They recognise it is extremely difficult to take care of old parents especially when parents fall ill.

Even to have a cup of coffee, they need to depend on children. Mr Rao says as old getting older, they develop an attitude to be fiercely independent and when that is not becoming possible, frustration grows.

Mr Rao has not failed to see the other perspective. Since, they live in community they have to have food which is commonly prepared (there is a dependency here too). He gets a feeling the people around are always old and sick. He can't see kids playing around. And when people die, there is a scary feeling too.

(Personally, I hated when my mother/father to continue to live in Pune when I got transferred to Mumbai. That was in 2007. I was 38 then. Somehow, I tend to think to book a place NOW to live after retirement. When I want to visit my son, I can always do visit him for few days. I would retain my independence too.)

Mr Rao says, he wants to live independently with his wife. He has one wish to God. He wants to die after his wife, as she suffers Alzheimer. He wants to take care of her.

(I am not advocating anything to anyone, but, trying to see my life in future...)

Is there a possibility to open up such a community by myself and be the son/bro for many such old people...
Let me work towards it...

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